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The reviews are in, and we couldn’t be happier!

SALON: “CITIZEN NATION vibrates with the same earnest energy that made 2002’s spelling bee documentary SPELLBOUND so memorable.”

LA TIMES: “But the competition is just one part of the story, as we get to learn the backgrounds of the teachers, the students and their families and how they influence — or don’t, in some cases — their views …The docuseries is reminiscent of ‘Boys State,’ which was on the Oscar documentary shortlist in 2021 …”

TIME: “My biggest takeaway was a sense of hope derived from watching young people engage in good faith with the policies and ideas that will shape their futures … creator Bret Sigler captures teens and teachers from across demographics and political persuasions think gin and talking seriously but civilly about he most divisive issues of our time.”

WALL STREET JOURNAL: “At the risk of belaboring “Spellbound,” the background there related to the often-obsessive drive the kids had toward winning their competition. In “Citizen Nation,” the intent of the series more often seems to be storytelling, about very likable teens with a mix of backstories.”


FORBES: Anyone who thinks their side alone is the arbiter of solid citizenship should watch the compelling PBS series, “CITIZEN NATION”

DECIDER: “STREAM IT. CITIZEN NATION is the antidote to every show you’ve seen about teens lately. These teens don’t care about internet fame; they care about restoring dialogue to the discourse in this country …”

COMMON SENSE MEDIA: “⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Powerful, engaging, and significant, this docuseries is a must-see for teens and families interested in the democratic process of the United States …Citizen Nation doesn't shy away from examining political orientation, especially as it emerges from teens' diverse social and class experiences … this documentary slices through pretense to get to the core values of a generation.”

REAL CLEAR POLITICS: “Like the 2002 Academy Award-nominated documentary Spellbound … Citizen Nation is full of high-stakes drama, concluding with a thrilling championship showdown on Capitol Hill. But it is the intimate behind-the-scenes look at students’ and teachers’ lives outside the competition that makes Citizen Nation so compelling.”

KATIE COURIC: “Let them lead the way: Citizen Nation, a new PBS show airing Tuesdays in October, follows a group of extraordinary teens who participate in a national civics competition, revealing how rewarding it is to show up, be civil, and tackle the big issues straight on.”